
A selection of podcast interviews with Marilyn

Photo Talk Podcast

CAMERA Photobook Reviews & Photo Talk Podcast.
CAMERA is a Photo Book review channel on YouTube. Sharer of great photography.

Listen to the podcast here

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Photography Down The Line

Marilyn chats to Ben Harman, Director of Stills: Centre for Photography in Edinburgh.

Photography Down The Line is a series of conversations between artists, photographers and the Director of Stills, a registered charity and centre for photography based in Edinburgh.

Listen to the podcast here

Live Longer: The Podcast

Dr. Millicent Stone chats to Marilyn about The Art of Living.

“Marilyn Stafford epitomises what it means to live a longer, fuller life.
From finishing drama school, to photographing Albert Einstein as well as spending the day with the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, there is no end to the incredible twists and turns in this fascinating woman’s life.
Now, in her later years, she is working tirelessly to empower women with her photography competition which aims to inspire and make a difference in the world and to people’s lives. Marilyn is a true change maker herself. She is a 96 year old going on 26 years. What really is her secret to longevity? Might it be art?
“I survived despite my art, not because of it.” – Marilyn Stafford”

Listen to the podcast here

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